The web3 animation studio, Invisible Universe, announces a $12 million Series A funding round. Invisible Universe describes itself as a web3-first animation studio that develops original character IP on social media and web3 platforms in partnership with some of the world’s biggest celebrities.
Its mission is to “create the next household name animated franchises faster and more economical than traditional models”. They believe the next generation of animated franchises will be born on web3.
The company is backed by some of the best media and technology investors in Hollywood and Silicon Valley. These include Alexis Ohanian’s Seven Seven Six, Initialized Capital, The Chernin Group, Dapper labs, Serena Williams, Will Smith’s Dreamers VC, CASSIUS Family, and Spencer Rascoff’s 75 & Sunny VC.
Most recently, the famous Friends star Jennifer Aniston has teamed with Invisible Universe to develop the character, Clydeo, inspired by her real-life dog, Clyde.